The Ola Cam

Ola Smart
Security Cam

Personalized right out of the box for inside or outside use. Ola with Ola Sense is the security camera of the future. Available today.

Ola Smart
Security Cam

Personalized right out of the box for inside or outside use. Ola with Ola Sense is the security camera of the future. Available today.

Best-in-class tech

Stereo speakers and a built- in microphone array allow for 360° sound absorption and clear two-way communication.
1080p clear video, a wide-angle field of view and IR night vision.

and outdoors

Indoors and outdoors.
Home, office and beyond…
Ola is built for an ever-changing world,
multi-functional by design.

Rethink security

We believe security is predicated on relevance and context.
It’s about understanding the nuances of human intent, behavior, action, and the complexity of the world around us.

Rethink security

We believe security is predicated on relevance and context.
It’s about understanding the nuances of human intent, behavior, action, and the complexity of the world around us.

Ola Sense

The Ola Sense subscription plan enables you to personalize alerts, so that you get alerted only on what matters most.

Ola’s natural language video search enables you to easily find a specific event; just ask Ola and get an immediate answer instead of scrolling through endless hours of recorded video.

how we work

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Frequently Asked Questions

In which way Ola is different from other security cameras?

The Ola camera was built with a different perspective on security. We believe that security is predicated on relevance and context.
It goes beyond scanning and detecting people, places or things but about understanding the nuances of human intent, behavior and action and the world around us.

Ola camera was made for an ever-changing world to be used indoors or outdoors, at home or at your business.

Together with the Ola mobile application, Ola becomes your personal security assistant. Ola’s contextual alerts enables you to be alerted only on what you matter most and decide to be alerted on.

Ola enables you to easily search for events using voice commands rather than scroll through endless video and timelines.

How does Ola protect my videos and personal data?
  • The Ola System utilizes a cloud security infrastructure that actively scans the cloud to find any security mis-configurations and immediately fixes them in real-time. 
  • Your data flow is encrypted using SSL/TLS overlaid with CDN and WAF technologies. In addition, your stored data is encrypted with AES encryption to block any unauthorized access.
  • Ola implements strict password requirements and authentication methods to keep your account safe.
How is it that Ola works both indoors and outdoors?
Ola was created to fit the flux of regular life and to meet your changing needs. Built to withstand heavy rain, wind, and snow with an IP66 weatherproof rating, Ola is sturdy enough to be placed outside. The camera comes with a wall mount and an indoor, desktop base to elegantly fit into any home interior as well.
How is it that Ola is suitable for both home and business?
We used the best-in-class materials and technology to create a camera that would meet the different needs of different people.
Ola learns the rhythm of life whether in an office or at home and will alert you when something falls out of synch.
Can the Ola camera recognize faces?
Yes, with an Ola Sense subscription, you can name familiar faces and create alerts about your close friends, family or staff.
Can Ola recognize individuals from behind or covering their face?

Ola goes beyond standard person detection and face recognition technologies. Ola use a complex set of integrated technologies to recognize human movement and behavior. For example, Ola can alert you if your elderly parent has had a fall even if your parent’s face is concealed. 

Ola can alert you if there is an unwelcome visitor to your property even if the intruder is masked or wears a hat.

Can Ola alert me when my packages arrive?

Yes, with an Ola Sense subscription, Ola will let you know when your packages have been delivered or moved.

Can Ola recognize unusual or suspicious activity?

Yes, Ola can let you know when someone has had a fall or when a stranger.

Can I install the Ola camera by myself?

Yes. The Ola camera was designed for easy installation. It can be installed both indoors and outdoors.
To mount it on a wall, you will need to use the provided wall mount. The wall mount can be magnetically attached to a metal surface or installed using the provided screws. You will need to ensure Wi-Fi coverage and an electrical outlet with 9.5 ft./2.8M.